Гость Anastassia Опубликовано 19 Января 2005 Жалоба Опубликовано 19 Января 2005 Подскажите где можно узнать присоединилась ли Германия к Конвенции о взыскании за границей алиментов (ООН, Нью-Йорк, 5 сентября 1962 года) Конвенция ратифицирована Республикой Казахстан в соответствии с Законом РК от 30.12.99 г. N 33-II? Заранее благодарю
Гость горЕ Опубликовано 20 Января 2005 Жалоба Опубликовано 20 Января 2005 1. Convention on the Recovery Abroad of Maintenance New York, 20 June 1956 Entry into force: 25 May 1957, in accordance with article 14. Registration: 25 May 1957, No. 3850. Status: Signatories: 24 ,Parties: 60. Text: United Nations,Treaty Series, vol. 268, p. 3, and vol. 649, p. 330 (procès-verbal of rectification of authentic Spanish text). Note: The Convention was adopted and opened for signature by the United Nations Conference on Maintenance Obligations convened pursuant to resolution 572 (XIX)1of the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations, adopted on 17 May 1955. The Conference met at the Headquarters of the United Nations in New York from 29 May to 20 June 1956. For the text of the Final Act of the Conference, see United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 268, p. 3. PARTICIPANTS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Participant Signature Ratification, Accession (a), Succession (d) Algeria 10 Sep 1969 a Argentina 29 Nov 1972 a Australia 12 Feb 1985 a Austria 21 Dec 1956 16 Jul 1969 Barbados 18 Jun 1970 a Belarus 14 Nov 1996 a Belgium 1 Jul 1966 a Bolivia 20 Jun 1956 Bosnia and Herzegovina2 1 Sep 1993 d Brazil 31 Dec 1956 14 Nov 1960 Burkina Faso 27 Aug 1962 a Cambodia 20 Jun 1956 Cape Verde 13 Sep 1985 a Central African Republic 15 Oct 1962 a Chile 9 Jan 1961 a China3 Colombia 16 Jul 1956 10 Nov 1999 Croatia2 20 Sep 1993 d Cuba 20 Jun 1956 Cyprus 8 May 1986 a Czech Republic4 30 Sep 1993 d Denmark 28 Dec 1956 22 Jun 1959 Dominican Republic 20 Jun 1956 Ecuador 20 Jun 1956 4 Jun 1974 El Salvador 20 Jun 1956 Estonia 8 Jan 1997 a Finland 13 Sep 1962 a France5 5 Sep 1956 24 Jun 1960 Germany6,7 20 Jun 1956 20 Jul 1959 Greece 20 Jun 1956 1 Nov 1965 Guatemala 26 Dec 1956 25 Apr 1957 Haiti 21 Dec 1956 12 Feb 1958 Holy See 20 Jun 1956 5 Oct 1964 Hungary 23 Jul 1957 a Ireland 26 Oct 1995 a Israel 20 Jun 1956 4 Apr 1957 Italy 1 Aug 1956 28 Jul 1958 Kazakhstan 28 Mar 2000 a Kyrgyzstan 27 May 2004 a Luxembourg 1 Nov 1971 a Mexico 20 Jun 1956 23 Jul 1992 Monaco 20 Jun 1956 28 Jun 1961 Morocco 18 Mar 1957 a Netherlands 20 Jun 1956 31 Jul 1962 New Zealand8 26 Feb 1986 a Niger 15 Feb 1965 a Norway 25 Oct 1957 a Pakistan 14 Jul 1959 a Philippines 20 Jun 1956 21 Mar 1968 Poland 13 Oct 1960 a Portugal 25 Jan 1965 a Romania 10 Apr 1991 a Serbia and Montenegro2 12 Mar 2001 d Seychelles 1 Nov 2004 a Slovakia4 28 May 1993 d Slovenia2 6 Jul 1992 d Spain 6 Oct 1966 a Sri Lanka 20 Jun 1956 7 Aug 1958 Suriname 12 Oct 1979 a Sweden 4 Dec 1956 1 Oct 1958 Switzerland 5 Oct 1977 a The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia2 10 Mar 1994 d Tunisia 16 Oct 1968 a Turkey 2 Jun 1971 a United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland9 13 Mar 1975 a Uruguay 18 Sep 1995 a DECLARATIONS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Declarations and Reservations (Unless otherwise indicated, the declarations and reservations were made upon ratification, accession or succession. For objections thereto, see hereinafter.) Algeria The Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria does not consider itself bound by the provisions of article 16 of the Convention concerning the competence of the International Court of Justice and affirms that the agreement of all the parties concerned is required in each case before a dispute can be brought before the International Court of Justice. (a) The Argentine Republic reserves the right, with respect to article 10 of the Convention, to restrict the application of the expression "highest priority" in the light of the provisions governing exchange controls in Argentina. (b) In the event that another Contracting Party extends the application of the Convention to territories over which the Argentine Republic exercises sovereignty, such extension shall in no way affect the latter's rights (the reference is to article 12 of the Convention). © The Argentine Government reserves the right not to apply the procedure provided for in article16 of the Convention in any dispute directly or indirectly related to the territories referred to in its declaration concerning article 12. Australia Declaration: "Australia wishes to declare, in accordance with Article 12, that with the exception of the Territory of Norfolk Island, the Convention shall not be applicable to the territories for the International relations of which Australia is responsible." Israel "Article 5: The Transmitting Agency shall transmit under paragraph 1 any order, final or provisional, and any other judicial act, obtained by the claimant for the payment of maintenance in a competent tribunal of Israel, and, where necessary and possible, the record of the proceedings in which such order was made. "Article 10: Israel reserves the right: "a) to take the necessary measures to prevent transfers of funds under this Article for purposes other than the bona fide payment of existing maintenance obligations; "b) to limit the amounts transferable pursuant to this Article, to amounts necessary for subsistence." Netherlands The Government of the Kingdom makes the following re-servation with regard to article 1 of the Convention: the recovery of maintenance shall not be facilitated by virtue of this article if, the claimant and the respondent being both in the Netherlands, or, respectively, in Surinam, the Netherlands Antilles or Netherlands New Guinea, and assistance having been granted or similar arrangements made under the Assistance to the Needy Act (Loi sur l'Assistance des Pauvres), no recovery was in general obtained for such assistance from the respondent, having regard to the circumstances of the case in question. "The Convention has for the time being been ratified for the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Europe only. If, in accordance with article 12, the application of the Convention will at any time be extended to the parts of the Kingdom outside Europe, the Secretary-General will be duly notified thereof. In that event the notification will contain such reservation as may be made on behalf of any of these parts of the Kingdom." Seychelles Reservation: "The Republic of Seychelles reserves the right, with respect to article 10 of the Convention, to restrict the application of the expression ' highest priority ' in the light of the legal provisions governing exchange control in Seychelles." Sweden10 Article 1: Sweden reserves the right to reject, where the circumstances of the case under consideration appear to make this necessary, any application for legal support aimed at the recovery of maintenance from a person who entered Sweden as a political refugee. 11 November 1988 Article 9: "Where the proceedings are pending in Sweden, the exemptions in the payment of costs and the facilities provided in paragraph 1 shall be granted only to persons resident in a State Party to the Convention or to any person who would otherwise enjoy such advantages under an agreement concluded with the State of which he is a national." Tunisia (1) Persons living abroad may only claim the advantages provided for in the Convention when considered non-residents under the exchange regulations in force in Tunisia. (2) A dispute may only be referred to the International Court of Justice with the agreement of all the parties to the dispute. Objections (Unless otherwise indicated, the objections were made upon ratification, accession or succession.) Czech Republic4 Poland 5 February 1969 The Government of the Polish People's Republic wishes to express its objection, in accordance with article 17, paragraph 1, of the said Convention, to the first two reservations made by the Government of Tunisia in its instrument of accession. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 13 March 1975 "With reference to article 17 (1) of the Convention . . . the Government of the United Kingdom [objects] to reservations (b) and © made by Argentina in respect of articles 12 and 16 upon accession to the Convention." Slovakia4 Notifications of designation of administrative or judicial authority in accordance with article 2 of the Convention Participant : Transmitting Agency: Receiving Agency: Algeria Ministry of Justice Ministry of Justice Argentina Ministry of Justice Ministry of Justice Australia Child Support AgencyGPO Box 9815Hobart, Tasmania 7001AustraliaPhone: +61 3 6221 0187Facsimile: +61 3 6221 0180 Child Support AgencyGPO Box 9815Hobart, Tasmania 7001AustraliaPhone: +61 3 6221 0187Facsimile: +61 3 6221 0180 Austria District Court(Bezirksgericht) exercising judicial jurisdiction in civil law matters in whose territory the claimant has his permanent residence, or if he has none in the country, his actual residence to act in its territory as Transmitting Agency. The Federal Ministry of Justice Vienna Districts I-XX District Court of the Inner City of Vienna Districts XXI, XXII District Court of Florisdorf Districts XXIII District Court of Liesing Barbados Attorney General of Barbados Attorney General of Barbados Belarus* of Justice (See attachment 1) District Courts (See attachment 1) Belgium Ministry of Justice Ministry of Justice Brazil Procuradoria Geral da República (Attorney General's Office) Procuradoria Geral da República (Attorney General's Office) Bosnia and Herzegovina Ministry for Civil Affairs and Communications: Ministaratvo civilnih poslova i komunikacija Bosne i Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Musala 9Tel: 665-718, Fax: 444-557 Ministry for Civil Affairs and Communications: Ministaratvo civilnih poslova i komunikacija Bosne i Herzegovina, Sarajevo, Musala 9Tel: 665-718, Fax: 444-557 Burkina Faso Ministry of Justice Ministry of Justice Cape Verde Regional Courts Procuradoria-Geral da República Central African Republic A. First situation: the Central African Republic has concluded a judicial convention: 1. With France, under the Agreement on Co-operation in Judicial matters, dated 18 January 1965, the Agency which transmits or receives the maintenance claims is the Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals. Claims are received or sent in the form of writs of debt, judgements or decrees, and the Ministers of Justice of the two States transmit them to the competent official, in this case the Procureur Général at the Court of Appeals of the respondent's residence, for execution. 2. With the African countries signatories of the Tananarive Convention of 12 September 1961, the exchanges are made through the Procureurs Généraux at the Court of Appeals. B. Second situation: The Central African Republic has not concluded a judicial convention with a particular country. Claims for recovery of maintenance are transmitted by the Procureur général at the Court of Appeals or the Minister of Justice, who refers them to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Central African Republic, who refers them to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of the country where the respondent resides. Claims originated abroad follow the same procedure. Chile Corporación de Asistencia Judicial de la Región MetropolitanaCalle Augustinas 1419Telephone: (56) (2) 6982829Facsimile: (56) (2) 6728700 Corporación de Asistencia Judicial de la Región MetropolitanaCalle Augustinas 1419Telephone: (56) (2) 6982829Facsimile: (56) (2) 6728700 China Upon ratification (depositary notification C.N.80.1957.TREATIES-6 of 5 July 1957), the Government of the Republic of China designated the Ministry of Justice as Transmitting Agency and the National Bar Association of the Republic of China as Receiving Agency, both located in Taipei, Taiwan, China. With reference to signatures, ratifications, accessions, etc., on behalf of China, see United Nations publication Multilateral Treaties deposited with the Secretary-General, Status as at 31 December 2002 (document ST/LEG/SER/E/22/Add.1), notes 1, 2 and 3 in the "Historical Information" section in the front matter of this volume. Colombia Consejo Superior de la Judicatura Presidencia de la Sala Administrativa Calle 12 No. 7-65, En Bogotá D.C. PBX 57-1-5658500 Instituto Colombiano de Bienestar Familiar Subdirección de Intervenciones Directas Avenida 68 No. 64-01, en Bogotá D.C. PBX 57-1-4377630-página Web: www.bienestarfamiliar.gov.co Croatia Ministry of Finance Ministry of Work and Welfare Cyprus Ministry of Justice of the Republic Ministry of Justice of the Republic Czech Republic Contact: Office for International Legal Protection of Children Benesova 22 602 00 Brno Czech Republic tel.: +420-54 221 5443 fax: + 420-54 221 2836 Contact persons: Mr. R. Zalesky tel.: +420-54 221 2836 email: rzalesky@iol.cz Ms. M. Novakova tel.: +420-54 221 5443 ext 27 email: marketa.novakova@deti.wosa.cz Contact: Office for International Legal Protection of Children Benesova 22 602 00 Brno Czech Republic tel.: +420-54 221 5443 fax: + 420-54 221 2836 Contact persons: Mr. R. Zalesky tel.: +420-54 221 2836 email: rzalesky@iol.cz Ms. M. Novakova tel.: +420-54 221 5443 ext 27 email: marketa.novakova@deti.wosa.cz Denmark Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ecuador National Court of Minors President of National Court of Minors Estonia Ministry of Justice Ministry of Justice Finland Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs France Ministère des affaires étrangèresDivision du contentieux service du recouvrement des aliments à l'étranger(Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Contentious Matters Recovery Abroad of Maintenance Service)23, rue la PérouseParis (XVIème), France Ministère des affaires étrangèresDivision du contentieux service du recouvrement des aliments à l'étranger(Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Contentious Matters Recovery Abroad of Maintenance Service)23, rue la PérouseParis (XVIème), France Germany Präsident des Oberlandesgerichts Dresden, Postfach 12 07032 010008 Dresden Bundesverwaltungsamt, 50728 Koeln,telephone: +49 1888.358-0telefax: +49 1888.358-8099e-mail: bva-poststelle@bva.bund.de Land Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Justice of Land Baden- Württenberg in Stuttgard BundesverwaltungsamtAußenstelle BonnPostfach 20 03 5153133 BonnE-mail address: bva-poststelle@bva.bund.deInternet: www.bundesverwaltungsamt.de Land Bayern (Bavaria) Bavarian Ministry of Justice in Munich/ Bayerisches Staatsministerium der Justiz, 80097 Muenchen Land Berlin Senator of Justice at Berlin-Schoneberg Land Bremen Senator of Justice and Constitution in Bremen Land Hamburg Senate of Hamburg - Justice Administration - in Hamburg Land Hessen (Hesse) Hessian Minister of Justice in Wiesbaden Land Niedersachsen (Lower Saxony) Minister of Justice of Land Lower Saxony in Hanover Land Nordrhein -Westfalen (North Rhine/Westphalia) Minister of Justice of Land North-Rhine / Westphalia in Dusserldorf Land Rheinland-Pfalz (Rhineland/Palatinate) Minister of Justice of Land Rhineland-Palatinate in Mainz Saarland Minister of Justice in Saarbrücken Land Schleswig-Holstein Minister of Justice of Land Schleswig-Holstein in Kiel Land Brandenburg Brandenburg Ministry of Justice, Potsdam Land Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania Minister of Justice, Federal and European Affairs of Mecklenburg - Western Pomerania, Schwerin Land Saxony Saxon Ministry of Justice, Dresden Land Saxony-Anhalt Minister of Justice of Saxony-Anhalt, Magdeburg Land Thuringia Thurigian Minister of Justice, Erfurt Greece Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs Guatemala Attorney-General of the Nation (Procurador General de la Nación, Jefe del Ministerio Público) Attorney-General of the Nation (Procurador General de la Nación, Jefe del Ministerio Público) Haiti Commissaire du Gouvernement près de la Cour de cassation et Juriste du Ministère des Affaires étrangères Département de la Justice, par le truchement du Minstère des Affaires étrangères Hungary Ministry of Justice (Igazságügyminisztérium) Ministry of Culture(Müvelódésügyi Minisztérium) Ireland Central Authority for Maintenance Recovery, Department of Equality and Law Reform43/49 Mespil RoadDublin 4, Ireland Central Authority for Maintenance Recovery, Department of Equality and Law Reform43/49 Mespil RoadDublin 4, Ireland Israel Legal Aid Bureaux at Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Haifa Legal Aid Bureau at Jerusalem Italy Ministry of InteriorMinistry of Foreign Affairs Ministry of Interior Kazakhstan Committee on Judicial Administration to the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan Judicial Department under the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic Judicial Department under the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic Luxembourg M. le Procureur général d'État12, Côte D'EichBoîte postale 15L-2010 Luxembourg M. le Procureur général d'État12, Côte D'EichBoîte postale 15L-2010 Luxembourg Mexico Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, Consultoría JuridicaHomero 213, Piso 16,Col. Chapultepec MoralesMexico, D.F. Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, Consultoría JuridicaHomero 213, Piso 16,Col. Chapultepec MoralesMexico, D.F. Monaco Parquet général Direction des Relations extérieures Morocco Ministry of Justice Ministry of Justice Netherlands Raad voor de Kinderbescherming's Gravenhage Dependance Gouda, LBIOBureau Verdrag van New YorkPostbus 8002800 AV Gouda Raad voor de Kinderbescherming's Gravenhage Dependance Gouda, LBIOBureau Verdrag van New YorkPostbus 8002800 AV Gouda New Zealand Department of JusticePrivate Bag Postal CenterWellington, New Zealand Department of JusticePrivate BagPostal CenterWellington, New Zealand Niger Department of General Administrative and Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Department of General Administrative and Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Norway Folketrygdkontoret for Utenlandssaker (The National Insurance Office for Social Insurance Abroad) Bidragskontoret (Child Maintenance Division)PB 8138 DEP. 0032 Oslo Folketrygdkontoret for Utenlandssaker (The National Insurance Office for Social Insurance Abroad) Bidragskontoret (Child Maintenance Division)PB 8138 DEP. 0032 Oslo Pakistan Province of East Pakistan Judicial Department, Government of East Pakistan Judicial Department, Government of East Pakistan Province of West Pakistan (excluding the Territory of Karachi) Solicitor to the Government of West Pakistan Society, Lahore The West Pakistan Provincial Branch of the Pakistan Red Cross Society, Lahore Federal Territory of Karachi City and Additional Dist. Magistrate, Karachi Public Prosecutor, Karachi Antilles néerlandaises de Voogdijraad (Court of Guardianship) on Curaçao de Voogdijraad (Court of Guardianship) on Curaçao Portugal Direcçao Geral de Justiça(Metropolitan Portugal) Instituo de Assistência à Familia (Metropolitan Portugal) Direcçao Geral dos Serviços da Administraçao civil (Overseas Provinces) Procuradoria da Republica of each Province in each Juridical District and through the respective Delegates Romania Ministry of Justice of RomaniaBd. Mihail Kogalniceanu 33Bucharest 70749 Baroul de Avocati al Municipiului BucarestiBd. Magheru 22Bucharest 70158 Serbia and Montenegro Ministry of Finance and Economy of the Republic of Serbia, Nemanjina 22-24, 11000 Belgrade, telephone No. 381.11.681.245 and fax No. + 381.11.3614.954; Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Montenegro, Ul. Stanka Dragojevica 2, 81000 Podgorica, telephone No. +381.81.242.835 and fax No. +381.81.224.450; and Ministry of Labour and Social Care of the Republic of Montenegro, Ul. Cetinjski put bb, Trg Vektre, 81000 Podgorica, telephone No. + 381.81.482.148 and fax No. +381.81.234.227 Ministry of Human and Minority Rights, Ul. Mihajla Pupina 2, 11000 Belgrade, telephone No. +381.11.142.384 and +381.11.301.4858 Contact point:Mrs. Miica Ivkovic, Senior Advisor in the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights Slovakia Centrum pre medzinárodnosprávnu ochranu deté a mládeze (Centre for the international legal protection of children and youth)Spitálska 6P.O. Box 5781499 BRATISLAVASlovakia Centrum pre medzinárodnosprávnu ochranu deté a mládeze (Centre for the international legal protection of children and youth)Spitálska 6P.O. Box 5781499 BRATISLAVASlovakia Slovenia Ministry for Health, Family and Social Security Ministry for Health, Family and Social Security Spain Dirección General de Codificación y Cooperación Juridica Internacional del Ministerio de Justicia e Interior Dirección General de Codificación y Cooperación Juridica Internacional del Ministerio de Justicia e Interior Sri Lanka Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of External Affairs Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of External Affairs Suriname Bureau for Family Law Affairs Bureau for Family Law Affairs Sweden Fösäkringskassan Stockholms län Utlandskontoret (The Social Insurance Office in Stockholm, Foreign Division) Klara v. Kyrkogata 11S-105 11 Stockholm Fösäkringskassan Stockholms län Utlandskontoret (The Social Insurance Office in Stockholm, Foreign Division) Klara v. Kyrkogata 11S-105 11 Stockholm Switzerland Office fédéral de la justice Bundesrain 203003 BerneTel.: 0041/31/322 43 45Fax.: 0041/31/322 42 79 Office fédéral de la justice Bundesrain 203003 BerneTel.: 0041/31/322 43 45Fax.: 0041/31/322 42 79 The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Ministry of Justice Tunisia Directorate of Consular Affairs of the Secretariat of State for Foreign Affairs Directorate of Consular Affairs of the Secretariat of State for Foreign Affairs Turkey General Directorate for International Law and Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Justice General Directorate for International Law and Foreign Affairs of the Ministry of Justice United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland England and Wales The Secretary of State Home Office (C2 Division)50 Queen Anne's GateLondon SW1H 9AT The Secretary of State Home Office (C2 Division)50 Queen Anne's GateLondon SW1H 9AT Scotland The Scottish Courts Administration 26/27 Royal TerraceEdinburgh EH7 5AH The Scottish Courts Administration 26/27 Royal TerraceEdinburgh EH7 5AH Northern Ireland The Lord Chancellor's DepartmentWindsor House9/15 Bedford Street Belfast BT2 7EA The Lord Chancellor's DepartmentWindsor House9/15 Bedford Street Belfast BT2 7EA Ile of Man The Secretary of State Home Offcie (C2 Division)50 Queen Anne's GateLondon SW1H 9AT The Secretary of State Home Offcie (C2 Division)50 Queen Anne's GateLondon SW1H 9AT Bailiwick of Jersey Attorney General in Jersey Attorney General in Jersey *Attachment 1: Belarus Pursuant to the provisions of article 2, paragraph 3, of the Convention on the Recovery Abroad of Maintenance, adopted under the United Nations auspices on 20 June 1956, we have the honour to inform you that in the Republic of Belarus the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus is the Transmitting Agency, and the Republic's district (municipal) courts are the Receiving Agencies. Pursuant to article 3, paragraph 2, we have the honour to inform you that, for the recovery of maintenance in the territory of the Republic of Belarus, the Transmitting Agencies of the States parties to the Convention are obliged to submit the following documents: 1. Claimant's application for the recognition and execution of the court decision. 2. The court decision or a certified copy thereof and the official document concerning the decision's entry into force. 3. The document indicating that the party against whom the decision was taken and who did not take part in the court proceedings was duly notified or represented. 4. The document confirming partial execution of decisions at the time of its transmittal. Samples of the aforementioned documents are annexed hereto. We also wish to inform you that the aforementioned documents should be sent by the Transmitting Agencies of the States parties to the regional courts and the Minsk Municipal Court depending on the respondent's place of residence: 1. Brest Regional Court 224000, Brest, ul. Sovetskikh pogranichnikov, 41 2. Vitebsk Regional Court 210015, Vitebsk, ul. Shubina, 4 3. Gomel Regional Court 246000, ul. Sovetskaya, 20 4. Grodno Regional Court 230023, Grodno, ul. Karbysheva, 20 5. Mogilev Regional Court 21203, Mogilev, ul. Pervomaiskaya, 28a 6. Minsk Regional Court 220 030, Minsk, ul. Lenina, 28 7. Minsk Municipal Court 220092, Minsk, ul. D. Martsinkevicha, 1 Address of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus: 220084, Minsk, ul. Kollektornaya, 10 Tel./fax: 20 97 55 Tel.: 20 83 81 Notifications under article 3 of the Convention Colombia 27 October 2003 Proceedings relating to maintenance for minors "Maintenance" is understood to mean everything essential for the support, housing, clothing, medical treatment, recreation, comprehensive training and education or instruction of the minor. Maintenance shall include the obligation to pay the mother's pregnancy and childbirth expenses. Article 133, Decree No. 2737 of 1989, Minors' Code. Every minor is entitled to the protection, care and assistance necessary to achieve adequate physical, mental, moral and social development, and such rights are recognized from the time of conception. Article 3 of Decree No. 2737, Minors' Code. In the event of non-compliance with the maintenance obligation towards a minor, a request for conciliation may be submitted to the Family Ombudsman, the competent judges, the Family Commissioner or the Corrections Inspector of the minor's place of residence by either parent, by the child's relatives, by the guardian or person caring for the child or motu proprio. Article 136, Decree No. 2737 of 1989, Minors' Code. The right to claim maintenance may not be waived and is non-transferable in the event of death. The right to claim maintenance may not be sold or assigned in any way. The person owing maintenance (respondent) may not ask the claimant to offset that debt with sums owed to him by the claimant. Even if the parents have been deprived of parental authority, their maintenance obligation does not cease. This obligation ceases when the minor is adopted. As long as the respondent does not fulfil or agree to fulfil the maintenance obligation towards the minor, he may not claim custody and personal care or exercise other rights over the minor. When necessary, the judge will decide who is to have custody and care of the minor(s) on whose behalf the proceedings were instituted, without prejudice to the relevant judicial actions. Article 150, Decree No. 2737, Minors' Code. An expectant mother may claim maintenance in respect of the offspring of the legitimate father (husband) or of the man who has recognized paternity in the case of a child to be born out of wedlock. Article 135, Decree No. 2737 of 1989, Minors' Code. Conciliation Act No. 23 of 1991, Act No. 446 of 1998 and Act No. 640 of 2001 Article 35 of Act No. 640 of 2001. "Admissibility requirement. In cases suitable for conciliation, extrajudicial conciliation as of right is an admissibility requirement for application to the civil, administrative law, labour and family courts, as specified in this Act for each of these areas." Accordingly, in requests for imposition of maintenance payments for a minor, the child's mother or father or the child's relatives or officials dealing with the case may initiate conciliation with the person obligated to pay such maintenance. In this case, the (non-compliant) person obligated to pay maintenance will be summoned to the office of the Family Commissioner, the Family Ombudsman or the competent judge to try to reach agreement on the amount of the maintenance payments, the means of making them, their timing and guarantees of observance. The respondent may authorize deduction from his salary of the agreed amounts. When conciliation has produced agreement on the maintenance figure, method of payment, timing of the payments and relevant guarantee, a record will be prepared for signature by the presiding official and the parties. The official will then approve it by means of a writ and the conciliation will thus become enforceable; in other words, in case of non-compliance by the respondent, maintenance enforcement proceedings will be initiated. If the person summoned does not appear, after being summoned twice and after the reason for the summons has been given, or if the conciliation fails, the official may establish a provisional maintenance figure and the writ establishing it will be enforceable. The official must submit the claim for maintenance to the competent judge in order for the figure provisionally established to be confirmed by the judge. Maintenance conciliations may vary depending on the circumstances of the person obligated to pay maintenance and the needs of the person receiving the financial support. In addition, the judicial decision awarding maintenance may be reviewed in order to revise the maintenance figure, when the respondent is the father of another minor or other minors. The conciliation record must contain the following information: Place, date and time of the conciliation hearing; Name of the Conciliator; Name of the persons summoned to the conciliation and indication of who attended the proceedings; Brief account of the claims that are the subject of the conciliation; Agreement reached by the parties during the proceedings. Each of the parties participating in the conciliation must receive a copy of the record. Claims for maintenance for minors Claims for maintenance for minors are dealt with in the manner established in Decree No. 2737 of 1989 (Minors' Code); as specified in Decree No. 2272 of 1989, the decision is not subject to appeal. Claims for maintenance must contain the name of the parties, their address for notification purposes (place of residence, domicile, whereabouts or place of work), the amount of maintenance claimed, the justification for the claim and the evidence adduced and must be accompanied by any documents in the possession of the claimant. Claims may be submitted orally or in writing. If any document is missing that the claimant is unable to attach, the judge may, at the request of a party or ex officio, order the relevant authority to issue the document. If he deems it necessary, the judge may order attachment of the respondent's salary (in an amount that he considers appropriate) in the writ authorizing submission of the claim (in order to guarantee fulfilment of the maintenance obligation), for which purpose he shall communicate officially with the respondent's employer. He may also order retention of an amount that he considers appropriate from the respondent's severance pay, in order to guarantee the minor's maintenance in the event that the respondent resigns or is laid off from his employment. Evidence Any judicial decision must be based on the evidence duly and regularly produced in the proceedings. Article 174 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Means of proof. The means of proof are statements by the parties, responses under oath, testimony of third parties, expert opinions, physical examination of exhibits, documents, circumstantial evidence and any other means that may help the judge to form an opinion. Article 175 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Evidence located abroad When the civil proceedings require formalities on foreign territory, the judge may, depending on the nature and urgency of the matter: 1. Send letters rogatory, through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, to one of the judicial authorities in the country where the formalities are to take place so that it may conduct them and send the evidence back through the diplomatic or consular agent of Colombia or of a friendly country. 2. Directly request the consul or diplomatic agent of Colombia in the country concerned to conduct the formalities in accordance with national legislation and to send the evidence back directly. The consuls and diplomatic agents of Colombia abroad are authorized to conduct all the judicial formalities in civil cases entrusted to them under article 193 of the Code of Civil Procedure. Evidence is provided at the request of the parties or following an official order from the judge, if he considers it necessary for verification of the facts alleged by the parties. The cost of providing evidence is shared equally by the parties, without prejudice to the judge's decision regarding the costs of the proceedings. Deposition. Statement made before the judge in exercise of his functions. Other statements are extra-judicial. Questioning. The judge may officially summon the parties to answer under oath any questions he wishes to put to them. He may also summon one of the parties, at the request of the other, provided that the request is made in due form. Oath. When the law authorizes the judge to request any of the parties to take an oath, the oath must be taken at the time when the evidence is to be presented, at the date and time appointed. Statements by third parties. All persons are obliged to make statements if requested, except in the cases specified by law. Expert opinion. An opinion requiring the participation of experts or persons specializing in specific scientific, technical or artistic subjects. Physical examination of exhibits. Proof established by verification of certain facts germane to the proceedings. Circumstantial evidence. In order for a fact to be considered as circumstantial evidence, it must be fully proved in the proceedings. The judge is authorized to deduce circumstantial evidence from the behaviour of the parties. Documents. Documents may be public or private. Public documents are those issued by a public official in the performance of his duties or with his intervention. Private documents are those not meeting the requirements to be considered as public documents. Authentic document. A document regarding which certainty exists as to the person who drafted, wrote or signed it. A public document is presumed to be authentic, unless the contrary is proved by evidence of forgery. Private documents are authentic if they meet the requirements specified by law. In order for proceedings to be initiated for recovery of maintenance for minors, the relationship between the minor claiming maintenance and the person obligated to provide it must be proved. This shall be done by reference to the Civil Registry where the minor's birth is recorded. The financial ability of the respondent to provide maintenance must also be proved, even summarily (reason to believe). If such ability cannot be proved, an analysis will have to be made of the respondent's social position and habits and it will ultimately be presumed that the respondent will pay the minor the minimum wage. In order to demonstrate the respondent's ability to pay, a certificate of income and statutory allowances, if he is employed, may be requested as evidence (documentary or oral). The Land Registry Office may be requested to report on immovable property owned by the respondent. The Transit and Transport Secretariat may be asked to determine the ownership of automobiles registered to the respondent. The Chamber of Commerce may be asked to establish the respondent's ownership of or participation in commercial firms. The national Tax Office may be asked to provide the respondent's tax return, and credit or banking institutions may be asked to report on the respondent's balances and on credit card usage. Oral evidence may also be sought, in which persons are asked about the respondent's income. Maintenance is due at the time of the first claim and must be paid monthly in advance, during the first five days of the month in question. Article 421 of the Civil Code, in conformity with the second paragraph of article 498 of the Code of Civil Procedure, Decree No. 2282 of 1989. The maintenance order may specify: An amount to be deducted from the respondent's pay or salary, which may not exceed 50 per cent of his monthly income. Establishment of a fund, the income from which will be used to make the established maintenance payments. A specific sum of money, depending on the respondent's demonstrated ability to pay. Maintenance payments will increase annually, either in order to reflect cost-of-living increases or as agreed between the parties during the conciliation. Maintenance enforcement proceedings In the event of non-compliance with the maintenance obligation agreed during the conciliation or decreed by decision of the judge, the family judge concerned may initiate maintenance enforcement proceedings, with the legal consequences, if necessary, of attachment and auction of property. Complaints of failure to provide maintenance "Any person who without good reason fails to provide maintenance legally due to his relatives in the ascending line, descendants, adopter or adoptee, or spouse shall be liable to imprisonment for a term ranging from one (1) to three (3) years and a fine ranging from ten (10) to twenty (20) times the monthly legal minimum wage in force." "The penalty shall be imprisonment ranging from two (2) to four (4) years and a fine ranging from fifteen (15) to twenty-five (25) times the monthly legal minimum wage in force if the failure to provide maintenance concerns a minor under fourteen (14) years of age." Article 233 of the Penal Code. "Aggravating circumstances. The penalty specified in the preceding article shall be increased by up to one third if the respondent has fraudulently concealed, reduced or encumbered his income or assets in order to avoid paying maintenance." Article 234 of the Penal Code. "Repetition. Enforcement of the sentence shall not preclude the initiation of further proceedings if the person concerned again fails to make maintenance payments." Article 235 of the Penal Code. Territorial Application Participant: Date of receipt of the notification: Territories: Australia 12 Feb 1985 Norfolk Island France 24 Jun 1960 Comoro Archipelago, French Polynesia, French Somaliland, New Caledonia and Dependencies, St. Pierre and Miquelon Netherlands10 12 Aug 1969 Netherlands Antilles United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 29 Nov 1984 Isle of Man 30 Jul 2003 Bailiwick of Jersey NOTES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, Nineteenth Session, Supplement No. 1A (E/2730/Add.1), p. 5. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. The former Yugoslavia had signed and ratified the Convention on 31 December 1956 and 29 May 1959. See also note 1 under "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "Croatia", "former Yugoslavia", "Slovenia", "The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia" and "Yugoslavia" in the "Historical Information" section in the front matter of this volume. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Signed and ratified on behalf of the Republic of China on 4 December 1956 and 25 June 1957 respectively. See note concerning signatures, ratifications, accessions, etc., on behalf of China (note 1 under "China" in the "Historical Information" secton in the front matter of this volume). With reference to the above-mentioned accession, communications have been addressed to the Secretary-General by the Permanent Missions to the United Nations of Poland on the one hand, and of China on the other hand. The objection made on that occasion by the Govern- ment of Poland and the communication from the Government of the Republic of China are identical in essence, mutatis mutandis, to the corresponding communications referred to in note 3 in chapter VI.14. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Czechoslovakia had acceded to the Convention on 3 October 1958. Subsequently, on 21 April 1973, Czechoslovakia notified an objection with regard to the reservation made by the Government of Argentina to article 10 of the Convention. For the text of the objection see United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 867, p. 214. See note 1 under "Czech Republic" and note 1 under "Slovakia" in the "Historical Information" section in the front matter of this volume. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. The instrument of ratification by France contains the following declaration: (a) That the Convention shall apply to the territories of the French Republic, namely: the metropolitan departments, the departments of Algeria, the departments of the Oases and of Saoura, the departments of Guadeloupe, Guiana, Martinique and Réunion and the Overseas Territories (St. Pierre and Miquelon, French Somaliland, the Comoro Archipelago, New Caledonia and Dependencies and French Polynesia); (b) That its application may be extended, by subsequent notification, to the other States of the Community or to one or more such States. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. See note 2 under "Germany" in the "Historical Information" section in the front matter of this volume. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. See note 1 under "Germany" regarding Berlin (West) in the "Historical Information" section in the front matter of this volume. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. The Convention shall not extend to the Cook Islands nor to Niue or Tokelau. In a communication received on 30 June 2000, the Government of New Zealand informed the Secretary-General of the following: "Pursuant to Article 58 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties, [the Government of New Zealand] has the honour to notify the United Nations, in its capacity as depository for [the Convention on the Recovery Abroad of Maintenance] of the intention to conclude an Agreement between the Government of New Zealand and the Government of Australia on Child and Spousal Maintenance ("the Agreement") which will suspend the operation of the Convention as between New Zealand and Australia. [The Government of New Zealand] assures the United Nations that the conclusion of the Agreement will not affect the enjoyment by the other Parties to the Convention of their rights under the Convention vis-a-vis the Parties to the Agreement, or the performance of their obligations to other Parties under the Convention. Furthermore, the Agreement to be concluded between the Government of New Zealand and Australia is not considered by them to be inconsistent with the object and purpose of the Convention." See also note 1 under "New Zealand" regarding Tokelau in the "Historical Information" section in the front matter of this volume. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. "In accordance with article 12 of the Convention, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland hereby gives notice that the provisions of the Convention shall not apply to any of the territories for the international relations of which the United Kingdom is responsible." See also under "Territorial Applications". -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. Subject to the reservation with regard to article 1 which was made by the Netherlands upon ratification of the Convention. See also note 1 under "Netherlands" regardng Aruba/Netherlands Antilles in the "Historical Information" section in the front matter of this volume.
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